Willingness | Għalxiex dejjem nħoss il-muskoli ibsin wara ġurnata xogħol?

Għalxiex dejjem nħoss il-muskoli ibsin wara ġurnata xogħol?

Mhux l-ewwel darba li wara ġurnata xogħol, diversi persuni jsostnu li jħossu ċertu strapazz fil-muskoli, speċjalment mal-ħin ta’ filgħaxija. Dan is-sintomu huwa indirizzat bħala ‘muscle soreness’ u huwa deskritt bħala għajja jew toqol fil-muskolu. Meta persuna jagħmel il-ħidma

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Willingness | Libido:  A Psychoanalytic Approach

Libido: A Psychoanalytic Approach

Libido, derived from Latin for desire and lust, was first introduced as a concept by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). In his psychoanalytic theory, Freud proposed that life drive (Eros) is opposed by the self-destructive death instinct (Thanatos), the interaction of which

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Willingness | Why Compare Yourself to Another Person?

Why Compare Yourself to Another Person?

Measuring oneself versus others is a natural process for humans, and it can be beneficial in some cases. The urge to improve your own life might be sparked by feeling inspired by someone else’s accomplishments. Self-esteem can be boosted by

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Willingness | Fibro Fog: How to Handle it

Fibro Fog: How to Handle it

Did you notice any differences in your cognitive abilities since living with fibromyalgia? Like not being able to focus on your work? Feeling like your brain is cloudy or your brain is not able to think clearly? Then, it means

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Willingness | Meet Joyful Johanna

Meet Joyful Johanna

Joyful Johanna Cutajar joined the Willingness Team in 2021 as a counsellor. She describes herself as young, inquisitive and empathic which are qualities that make for an excellent member of the team. 

1. Describe Willingness in 3 words.

Johanna: Dynamic,

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Willingness | 5 ways fruit nurtures your brain

5 ways fruit nurtures your brain

Eating fruit is one of the most delicious ways to nurture your mind and body. Most of us already understand that eating a wide variety of fruit is part of having a balanced diet for health, but do you know

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