Willingness | <strong>Healthy Dieting at an Old Age</strong>

Healthy Dieting at an Old Age

Having a healthy diet at an old age is paramount to having a healthy life. A diet can affect an older adult on multiple levels, including the physical domains, the psychological domains, and the social domains. 

Without a healthy diet,

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Willingness | <strong>X'Tista' Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija</strong>

X’Tista’ Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija

Hemm ċans tajjeb li tispiċċa mingħajr enerġija meta jkollok ħafna affarijiet jiġru f’daqqa, argumenti u, possibbilment, nuqqas ta’ sapport min-naħa tal-ħbieb u tal-familja. Dan jaf inaqqaslek il-kapaċità li tieħu ħsieb tiegħek innifsek u ta’ ħaddieħor u, konsegwenza t’hekk, tonqoslok il-paċenzja

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Willingness | 10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

It is essential that you manage to get a good night’s sleep because your body needs to be able to rest and recharge after a long and stressful day. It is especially important for your physical health and mental wellbeing.

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Willingness | 3 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress

3 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress

Check your expectations

What are your expectations for the Holiday period and how do the expectations of those around you impact you? Do you expect to experience only joy during this period? Do people around you believe that stress, conflict,

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Willingness | <strong>Do I Need to Come Out?</strong>

Do I Need to Come Out?

The decision of whether or not to come out as an LGBTQ+ person is a very personal matter. Conversations surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation often centre around the popular notion of coming out. 

Coming out is an Ongoing Process

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Willingness | 6 foods to combat emotional burnout

6 foods to combat emotional burnout

Feeling burned out goes beyond feeling simply tired or stressed out in the moment. It goes a step further to make us feel extremely exhausted both mentally and physically. Due to feeling burned out, we might not be able to

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