Willingness | For kids that grew up too quickly

For kids that grew up too quickly

A 21-year-old young man walks into my office. He looks tired, stressed-out and anxious. He had just put out his cigarette before stepping inside. His gaze wanders all over the place, his legs are jumpy and restless as he sits

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Willingness | Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Having good communication skills is possibly one of the most important things you may learn to enhance your work life, family life and social life. Being able to effectively communicate and express yourself in a mature and professional manner is a

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Willingness | I struggle with PMS every month

I struggle with PMS every month

Premenstrual syndrome (or PMS) is a condition that can affect a woman’s physical health, emotions and behaviours during certain days in her menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually start around a week before menstruation, and typically go away once menstruation begins.

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Willingness | 3 ways to improve your sleep

3 ways to improve your sleep

Many of us have heard about how a good sleep is so important for our wellbeing, especially because of how it impacts both our physical as well as our mental health. Yet, experiencing problems that are related to having a

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Willingness | I don't want summer to end

I don’t want summer to end

If you are a person who loves summer and feel energised by it, chances are that in September you start feeling the end of summer blues. As the weather starts to change and the summer season draws to a close,

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Willingness | 5 Ways to Listen to your Intuition

5 Ways to Listen to your Intuition

Your intuition is part of that gut feeling you feel when needing to make a decision, when something feels like the best decision you can make or even when you know something isn’t right. Despite our intuitive feelings, we still

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