Willingness | An introduction to Gestalt therapy - part I

An introduction to Gestalt therapy – part I


Gestalt psychology is a theory of perception according to which people tend to find meaning and wholeness in everything they perceive. The word gestalt itself comes from the German language and signifies a whole that represents more than a

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Willingness | L-Impatt tal-Politika fuq Saħħitna

L-Impatt tal-Politika fuq Saħħitna

Fi ftit żmien ieħor, il-poplu jinsab ippreparat biex jagħti l-opinjoni tiegħu u jivvota lil min jixtieq jirrapreżentah fil-Parlament Malti, għal ħames snin li ġejjin. Għalhekk kull individwu għandu dritt li jisma u jevalwa l-impatt li ħallew il-partiti fl-aħħar ħames snin

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Willingness | Breath in Therapy

Breath in Therapy

If you’ve noticed your therapist asking about your breath, there’s a good reason for this. Oftentimes I ask my clients: “How are you breathing?”, “How’s your breathing?”, “Are you breathing?”, etc. 

At the beginning of our therapy process, they usually

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Willingness | What is sleep paralysis?

What is sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is a type of parasomnia (sleep disorder) that can be described as a “brain glitch” between sleeping and being awake. An episode of sleep paralysis may occur after falling asleep or waking up and is characterized by a

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Willingness | The body (and) psychotherapy

The body (and) psychotherapy

There’s a general consensus among practitioners and scientists alike regarding the relationship between the body and the mind, meaning that the processes in one may affect the processes in the other. However, the connection could definitely be further explored (Berger,

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Willingness | What are lucid dreams? Part 2

What are lucid dreams? Part 2

Lucid dreams are dreams where one is aware of being in a dream and is able to control the dream consciously. Such dreams are different from other dreams because in them there is an increased self-awareness, an increased ability to

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Willingness | The Trials and Tribulations of Emerging Adulthood

The Trials and Tribulations of Emerging Adulthood

One day you’re a teenager hanging out with your friends, loving life, free from any obligations. And then suddenly, you’re a young adult with a lot of new responsibilities. The transition from adolescence to adulthood is quite an overwhelming experience,

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Willingness | What are lucid dreams? Part 1

What are lucid dreams? Part 1

Have you been asleep and become aware that you are dreaming? Have you ever found yourself in a vivid dream, knowing that you are asleep, where you were able to control what happens in the dream? If the answer is

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