As stated in my previous blog, I will now look into different models of how healthy behaviours can be promoted. These models mainly include; The health belief model,  the theory of planned behaviour and the transtheoretical model of behaviour change.

The health belief model posits that a person practices a health behaviour depending on the perception of health threat and belief that a specific health behaviour can reduce the threat. An example would be; If I keep smoking,  I can get lung cancer (perception of health threat), if I stop smoking, I can prevent myself from getting lung cancer (perception of threat reduction) therefore I will stop smoking.

The theory of planned behaviour is the direct result of the behavioural intention. The theory of planned behaviour is based on attitudes toward the specific actions, subjective norms regard the actions, and perceived behavioural control. These three factors impact the behavioural intention and therefore the health behaviour is maintained.

The transtheoretical model of behaviour change involves 5 stages; precontemplation (not intending to make any changes), contemplation (considering a change), preparation (incremental changes), action (actively engaging in modified behaviour) and maintenance (maintaining the behaviour over time).

Research shows that these three models mentioned above help promote and maintain health behaviours. It is highly encouraged to adopt as many healthy behaviours as possible in order to live a healthier life. As mentioned in the previous blog, one of the main aim’s of health psychology is health promotion.


References: Taylor, S.E. (2011). Health Psychology.

(8th Ed.) McGraw Hill


Danica Cassar is a third-year psychology student at the University of Malta. She is the Triage Manager at 

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