Happy New Year! We have probably said this greeting so many times in the last few weeks. But how many times have we stopped to reflect about what it actually means? At face value, its meaning is obvious – I wish you a happy-new-year! But in truth, what is going to make me happy or happier than the previous year?  Of course, the answer to that is very subjective and everyone has their own ideas of what makes them happy. This blog is based on some personal reflections on what could possibly make the new year a truly happy one.


We live in a world where more is becoming a buzz word.  We work more so we earn more. We travel more, we explore more places and we meet more people. We study more, we attend more courses and we have more degrees. We go out more, we buy more stuff and we consume more. When does it stop? Does it ever get enough? I have no answer to this. So, I have therefore decided to join the more-party and I too want 2019 to be about the more.


And these are some of the mores I am choosing for myself!


I want more meaningful connections with people. I want more love and I want more laughter.  I want to spend more time in nature and I want to enjoy more the seaside views, wake up earlier to witness more sun-rises and when I don’t manage the wake-up call, I want to try and catch more sun-sets. I want more adventures and I want to find more space, time and energy in my daily routine to be more creative and engage more in projects that I love.


But how am I going to manage this?  To be a true follower of the more-party, I must also engage in less. Letting go of the need to have more money, prestige and status, creates more space to be just who I am.  The more I de-clutter my life from things that I think define me, the closer I get to my true self and the more connected I can be to my heart. When I am connected to my heart, my relationships will automatically be more meaningful and based on love.


This is my wish for 2019 – to remember that less materialism and consumerism creates more truthful connections with others, more genuineness and more love.  Happy new year to you all!



Stephanie Caruana is a counsellor at Willingness. She offers counselling services to adolescents and adults experiencing some form of distress. She can be contacted on stephc@willingness.com.mt or call us on 79291817.