Willingness | Therapist Burnout

Therapist Burnout

It’s strange to think that therapists can experience a burnout. Aren’t we the ones who are supposed to be full of never-ending patience and empathy? Aren’t we the masters of maintaining healthy relationships and our own self-care? This is after

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Willingness | Dog owner or dog parent?

Dog owner or dog parent?

The traditional definition of a family consisted of a group of one or more parents and their children living together. Throughout the years, the understanding of the term family has changed as society started to be more accepting of different

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Willingness | Why You Should Get Your Child a Pet

Why You Should Get Your Child a Pet

When getting a pet, allergies and respiratory difficulties are the initial and most common concerns. The type of pet, size and also any specific breed requirements needs to be taken into consideration in order to also be fair on the

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