Willingness | Is-soltu nkunu msiefrin

Is-soltu nkunu msiefrin

Is-safar jista’ jfisser numru t’affarjiet għal persuni differenti. Hawn min ifittex is-safar għal bidla fir-rutina u l-ambjent, jew għal opportunita’ li jqatta’ ħin fuq btala ma’ dawk il-persuni li huma għal qalbu, kif ukoll għas-sens t’ avventura li jista jġib

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Willingness | I feel lonely and sad

I feel lonely and sad

You may have heard the phrase ‘no man is an island’. This means that people need each other to survive in a healthy manner, as when they are isolated from society they do not function at their best. However, when

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Willingness | What is Anxiety Disorder? |Part 1

What is Anxiety Disorder? |Part 1

Anxiety is a normal emotion which activates when being faced with a stressful situation and when the necessary support is absent. It is the brain’s way of alerting us, and the body’s automatic fight-or-flight response which is triggered when under

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Willingness | I feel sad and empty

I feel sad and empty

In such uncertain times as a collective we have experienced a change to our sense of normality. Covid brought experiences of loss; be it a loved one, a relationship, a job or any other change which has left an impact

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