Willingness | <strong>Therapist Vicarious Trauma and Self-Care</strong>

Therapist Vicarious Trauma and Self-Care

Working as a therapist is a rewarding yet challenging profession. While helping others cope with their trauma and emotional pain, therapists themselves can be at risk of experiencing vicarious trauma. Vicarious trauma (VT) is a term used to describe the

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Willingness | Taking Care of Elders Enduring Loss

Taking Care of Elders Enduring Loss

Old age often represents a series of losses, whether gradual or abrupt. Retirement entails losing one’s work role, the companionship of colleagues, and the structure of a full day, along with a reduced income. For those cohabiting, it may mean

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Willingness | <strong>How Can a Professional Help Ease Grief</strong>

How Can a Professional Help Ease Grief

Grieving is a life-altering process and state. Navigating loss in close relationships is tough, especially with those we care about deeply. Many cope, yet some seek counseling for prolonged distress. Grieving has no right or wrong way, but coping strategies

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Willingness | <strong>X'Tista' Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija</strong>

X’Tista’ Tagħmel Meta Tħossok Bla Enerġija

Hemm ċans tajjeb li tispiċċa mingħajr enerġija meta jkollok ħafna affarijiet jiġru f’daqqa, argumenti u, possibbilment, nuqqas ta’ sapport min-naħa tal-ħbieb u tal-familja. Dan jaf inaqqaslek il-kapaċità li tieħu ħsieb tiegħek innifsek u ta’ ħaddieħor u, konsegwenza t’hekk, tonqoslok il-paċenzja

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Willingness | <strong>The Healing Power of Journaling</strong>

The Healing Power of Journaling

You might be wondering how writing in a journal can be healing. The first step is to understand what journaling is about.

Journaling is a method many therapists suggest. You express your feelings and release your thoughts on paper. You

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Willingness | 10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

10 Tips for Better Sleeping Habits

It is essential that you manage to get a good night’s sleep because your body needs to be able to rest and recharge after a long and stressful day. It is especially important for your physical health and mental wellbeing.

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Willingness | 10 ways to Deal with Holiday Stress 

10 ways to Deal with Holiday Stress 

The holiday season tends to be associated with joy and happy moments. However, this special time of the year can also bring about holiday stress as there is a lot to do, activities to attend, presents to buy, money to

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