Willingness | Il-Partner Marret Festival Mingħajri

Il-Partner Marret Festival Mingħajri

Xi ġimgħatejn ilu kont qed nitkellem mal-partner fuq xi pjanijiet li kellna għal tmiem il-ġimgħa. Hi qaltli li kien hemm festival li xtaqet tmur ma’ sħabha. Il-partner tiegħi hi tip ta’ persuna soċjali ħafna, taf tmur man-nies u

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Willingness | Budgeting in Summer

Budgeting in Summer

Summer can be a very exciting time to relax, have fun and enjoy the outdoors. Since the days in summer are longer, one might be more energetic to engage in activities than in winter. In Malta, there are a lot

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Willingness | Making your CV more appealing

Making your CV more appealing

Whether you need to apply for a new job, or just need to update your recent accomplishments, filling in a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is not as easy as filling in a template, despite popular belief.   Developing a CV is often

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Willingness | It-tifel għandu resit u ma jridx jistudja

It-tifel għandu resit u ma jridx jistudja

“Is-sena skolastika fl-aħħar spiċċat… wara sena iebsa fl-aħħar nista’ nistrieħ… imma LE, għandi resit!” It-tifel tiegħek qiegħed f’din is-sitwazzjoni? Mhux żmien faċli biex jistudja, speċjalment jekk sħabu qed igawdu s-sajf, iżda hemm modi kif tista’ tinkoraġġieh u tgħinu jistudja.

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Willingness | Dealing with FOMO in Summer

Dealing with FOMO in Summer

It’s summer, the period of time where most of us flock to the beach or to the pool to cool down from the hot summer, or we’re heading off to a bar to meet some friends over a cold beer.

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