Willingness | My parents keep pressuring me to get married

My parents keep pressuring me to get married

The parent-child relationship is one of the most long-lasting and emotionally intense social ties. Parents continue to influence children’s well-being well into their adulthood, and although often positive and supportive, such relationships may be characterised by feelings of irritation, tension

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Willingness | Post-festival blues

Post-festival blues

I would like to start off this blog by stating that post-festival blues are understandable and the good thing is that it’s only a temporary experience.

During the festival individual’s feel exonerated of any labels which are put upon them

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Willingness | Coping with heat induced rage.

Coping with heat induced rage.

‘’Heat like gravity, penetrates every substance of the universe, its rays occupy all parts of space.’’

Heat and aggression have been rigorously studied in our modern day and age, and it should come as no surprise that the two seem

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Willingness | Sifirt imma ghadni mdejjaq

Sifirt imma ghadni mdejjaq

Safra tista tkun esperjenza pożittiva immens jekk wieħed jħares lejn is-safra bħala mezz ta rilassament biex tgħinu jsaħħah lilu nnifsu biex jerġa lura għal ħajja ta’ kuljum wara li ttem is-safra. Imma jekk wieħed juża s-safar bħala mezz kif jiprova

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Willingness | "You Need to Calm Down"

“You Need to Calm Down”

“You are somebody that we don’t know
But you’re comin’ at my friends like a missile
Why are you mad?
When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)
Sunshine on the street at the parade
But you would rather

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Willingness | Challenging the Status Quo

Challenging the Status Quo

A couple of years ago I watched a movie clip about a cow and her calf. The calf had just been born and someone working on this dairy farm, grabbed the calf from its ankle and dragged it away from

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Willingness | Achieving Your Important Goals

Achieving Your Important Goals

Achieving your most essential goals requires far more than persistence, time, and an action plan that will get you there. It also requires effective self-regulation—a crucial yet often overlooked psychological and behavioral process.

The ability to self-regulate your actions along

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