Willingness | The Happiness Myths 

The Happiness Myths 

In his book, The Happiness Trap (Harris, 2014), Dr. R. Harris analyses the four main myths of happiness.

Myth #1: Happiness as a natural state

According to Dr. Russ Harris, it is a main trait of the western way of

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Willingness | So Thankful for 2021

So Thankful for 2021

To say that the year 2021 has been challenging is to say the least. 

Some days this past year have been great. Everything was going as planned, and you even managed to balance your private and work life. However, sometimes

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Willingness | What a year

What a year

How time flies! As we come to the end of the year 2021, let’s take a moment to process the year and what it has brought us. Self-reflection is a practice that supports awareness, which in turn can support living

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Willingness | Drunk For Christmas Lunch

Drunk For Christmas Lunch

For many, Christmas is a focal point during the festive season and so are the parties, family gatherings and work functions that take place. Although it is a great time to celebrate, the amount of food, shopping and alcohol use

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Willingness | The Path to Happiness...

The Path to Happiness…

As the festive season approaches, some look forward to cozy family gatherings and nights partying out with friends,  while others feel lost and overwhelmed  as they compare their acual life to what their expectations of  this time of the year

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Willingness | Emotional Intelligence  

Emotional Intelligence  

There are mixed reviews on the development of Emotional intelligence (EI). Some researchers suggest that it can be learned and strengthened via training while others claim it’s a characteristic you are born with. EI is the ability to perceive, control

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Willingness | The missing pieces

The missing pieces

We all must admit that during the COVID 19 pandemic we may have tried a thing or two to fill our time. For most people this would have been during our “lockdown” phase. We may have tried to do certain

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Willingness | The Mind-Gut Connection

The Mind-Gut Connection

Our body consists of many organs that have their unique purpose and function. But do we know if they are somehow connected? Perhaps you can recall a time when after feeling anxiety, you had nausea or a time when you

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