Willingness | Is-soltu nkunu msiefrin

Is-soltu nkunu msiefrin

Is-safar jista’ jfisser numru t’affarjiet għal persuni differenti. Hawn min ifittex is-safar għal bidla fir-rutina u l-ambjent, jew għal opportunita’ li jqatta’ ħin fuq btala ma’ dawk il-persuni li huma għal qalbu, kif ukoll għas-sens t’ avventura li jista jġib

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Willingness | I feel sad and empty

I feel sad and empty

In such uncertain times as a collective we have experienced a change to our sense of normality. Covid brought experiences of loss; be it a loved one, a relationship, a job or any other change which has left an impact

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Willingness | 2020 ended, but COVID is still here

2020 ended, but COVID is still here

2020 was an interesting year which posed many challenges for us and our communities. Challenges fuel our personal resilience as human beings to develop different methods of survival and adaptation to the ever-changing ways of life. As human beings the

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Willingness | Finding Meaning.

Finding Meaning.

As we grow up our relationship with our parents changes over time. This is a natural course, initially we idolise our parents- we follow them and imitate their behaviours. Then we separate our identities from them; rebelling; rejecting them and

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Willingness | 3 Ways Christmas can be affected this year

3 Ways Christmas can be affected this year

As we are aware many of our Easter celebrations and summer festivals were cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, will Christmas have the same fate? The thought of a ‘Covid Christmas’ may have crossed your mind one

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Willingness | Gloom and Gifts this Festive Season

Gloom and Gifts this Festive Season

 Up until February 2020, before the reality of a global pandemic had reached our shores, we were already struggling to connect with each other. I think while a lot of us crave intimacy, we are constantly distracted thanks to our

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Willingness | 6 Things to Take Care of this Festive Season

6 Things to Take Care of this Festive Season

The festive season is one which is usually filled with hustle and bustle, excitement, joy, and celebrations, alongside the stress, planning, preparations and the various emotions this may bring with it. The festive season can also be a sad and

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