Elena Marinopoulou
Behaviour Analyst & ACT practitioner
Elena Marinopoulou is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst at Willingness, specialising in behavioural interventions and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She holds a BSc. (Hons) in Psychology from Panteion University of Athens and a MSc. in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) from the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Elena has a lengthy experience in working with individuals presenting with emotional and behavioural difficulties and their families in Greece, Ireland, Morocco and UK.
As a part of her work in the Applied Behaviour Research Clinic (ABRC, NUIG), she worked with families to improve children’s picky eating and challenging mealtime behaviours and conducted research on improving children’s sleep through parent-led workshops. She has volunteered in Northern Ireland and Morocco, where she co-designed and delivered training for parents and professionals working with children on the spectrum. Most recently, she has worked in London, using ACT with primary school children, training special needs school staff in behavioural interventions and volunteering in a crisis textline, supporting texters struggling with depression, anxiety, grief and other difficulties through safety and action planning.
She has a strong interest in promoting inclusive sexual health, safety, and relationship education for individuals diagnosed with ASD or other special learning needs. She has an inclusive and systemic approach that includes parents, caregivers and other stakeholders into establishing appropriate sexual behaviours.
Elena is a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science and the European Association for Behaviour Analysis.
Services offered:
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