Wayne Ungaro
Speech Language Pathologist
Wayne Ungaro is a Speech Language Pathologist specializing in voice disorders and transgender voice therapy. He graduated from the University of Malta in 2016, following which he went on to work with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and children with cognitive impairments.
He is an Allied Health Professional within the Ministry of Health. His caseload is primarily voice clients who either present with voice disorders or voice problems. Wayne Ungaro also forms part of the Gender-Well Being Clinic within the Ministry of Health, where he provides the service of voice therapy to transgender individuals.
He has attended numerous courses, workshops and conferences on voice therapy, transgender voice therapy and voice disorders. In 2019, he received transgender voice therapy training in Belgium and in 2020 he also attended an intensive workshop in Germany on ‘Laryngeal Manipulation’, which is a specialised voice technique used with voice clients and transgender individuals.
Services offered:
To book a history taking session and then be seen by Wayne Ungaro:
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