COVID has taught us how important it is to get our older adults online. Apart from making it easier to stay in touch with the nephews and nieces, it also makes our online spaces richer. Adding the older adults perspective on our social platforms helps us all benefit from their experience and expertise.
This is why we have a specialised team who worked hard on getting the right programme together to facilitate learning on how one can get online and be able to navigate gadgets and apps that will help them be more active, physically, intellectually and socially.
The programme was developed with the help of Trainee Clinical psychologist with a Masters in Gerontology and Geriatrics, and social media expert. It is facilitated by trainee health psychologist and trainee psychologists.
Description of the program:
The program will consist of 4 sessions of 90 minutes to 2 hours each. This will cover:
Getting oriented to using a tablet
During these 90 minutes the participants will learn about what a tablet / mobile phone is and can do. They will also learn how to make good use and take care of their gadget. Do's and don'ts of having such a gadget. Objectives of these 90 minutes are for participants to be able to charge, switch on and off their gadgets. They will learn how to install and uninstall apps, specifically, how to install Facebook and Whatsapp. They will create an email account, unless they already have one. They will also learn about Scam emails and which emails one should not reply to.
How to change display, ring tones, and set alarm clocks. How one can use such alarm clocks as a reminder for their medication. The difference between Bluetooth, WIFI and 3G. Opening and closing of Apps. And other basic skills related to owning a gadget.
Opening a profile on social media and addressing safety on social media, sending and accepting friend requests, using the 3G & connecting to WIFI
During these 90 minutes the participants will learn how to create a social media profile safely. On how to create and protect passwords. What to upload and share and what not to. How to use said profiles and social media safely. Difference between chats, profiles, pages and groups on Facebook.
They will learn how to use whatsapp chats and create whatsapp groups. They will also learn how to navigate and use Youtube and Google to read articles and watch videos related to their interests.
Online safety will be given priority in any skill they are taught.
Mental health and well-being – Applications available, groups available
During these 90 minutes the participants will learn about mental health and how to take care of their mental wellbeing, especially related to online presence and technology use. The participants will explore App downloads, such as Apple store and Google Play. They will download apps that will help keep their mind and body active. Such apps will be explored and set up.
Question and Answer – practical session
During this session the psychology assistants will assess the learning outcomes of the group and revise any objectives that need more emphasis. The participants will also have a chance to ask any questions related to technology use and mental health. During the last session a champion per group will be chosen so that they act as a referral point for the rest of the participants. This will help the team stay connected both offline and online. Any difficulties encountered after the program can be addressed to the tutor to clarify if the champion is unable to assist.
contact us on for more information