Written by:
Mr. Matthew Bartolo
B. Psy. (Hons.), PGCE, PG Adv Dip Humanistic Integrative Coun (London), MSc Sex & Relationship Psych (Sheff), Clinical Supervisor.
Matthew Bartolo's main interest is sexual and relationship health. He's lead clinician of Willingness Team and Sex Clinic Malta. Bartolo has worked with people from diverse backgrounds and has learnt how self - awareness and discipline are vital for a person to grow. Matthew Bartolo, a TedX speaker has delivered talks and training internationally, such as UK, Ireland, Croatia, Guatemala, Lithuania, Azerbaijan and Gozo.
Dr. Vincent Marmara

B.Sc.(Hons) University of Malta, M.Sc.(Sheff.) Statistics, Ph.D (Mathematics) (University of Stirling), FRSS
Dr Vincent Marmarà is a Senior Statistician and Researcher by profession. He obtained his degrees (BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD) in Statistics and Mathematics at the University of Malta, Sheffield University (UK) and University of Stirling (UK). Dr Marmarà has been carrying out surveys/reports for the past 19 years. He is also the owner of Sagalytics Ltd. (Surveys, BI and Data Science company). Dr. Marmarà is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta and associated with the Royal Statistical Society (UK). He is the author and/or co-author of a number of research articles in international journals.
Ms. Danica Cassar
B. Psy (Hons.) University of Malta, MSc Health Psychology (University of Bath), GMBPsS, Candidate for Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology, University of Stirling, Scotland
Danica Cassar is a Partner at Willingness Team. In her career, she has conducted multiple qualitative and quantitative studies both in Malta and in the UK. She has published papers in scientific journals. She teaches modules related to conducting research to undergraduates and post-graduates students in the UK. She is currently conducting other research in health psychology alongside her research contributions to understanding sex in Malta.
Dr. Chiara Frendo Balzan

EFOG-EBCOG. DFSRH MSc PgDip, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr. Chiara Frendo-Balzan graduated as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in Malta in 2005. In the UK, she gained international exposure and further qualifications in Ultrasound. She specialized in contraception and reproductive health, obtaining a Diploma in Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, as well as a European Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, while working in various hospitals in South Wales. Dr. Frendo-Balzan is a senior tutor for online Ultrasound courses, international Masterclasses, and Train the Trainer programs. She has also pursued a Masters degree in Leadership and Management in Healthcare, which has provided her with insights into healthcare systems, organizations, and team dynamics.
Dr. Donia Gamoudi
Dr Donia Gamoudi graduated from University of Malta as a doctor of medicine and surgery in 2011 and after specialised in Genito-Urinary Medicine. Her work led to a specialization in the field of sexually transmitted infections, HIV, contraception and psychosexual medicine. During her training Dr Gamoudi managed to obtain 3 diplomas in Genitourinary Medicine, HIV Medicine and Sexual and Reproductive health and presented on various topics at both local and international conferences. Dr Gamoudi is an active member of the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), British HIV Association (BHIVA) and the International Union against STIs (IUSTI). She is also the first author of the European guideline on the organization of a consultation for sexually transmitted infections. She has a subspecialist interest in HIV and antenatal care and has contributed to the BHIVA national guidelines on this.
Carolyn Sultana
BSc (Hons). University if Malta. MSc.(Brad).
Carolyn Sultana is a Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapist. She specializes in antenatal and postnatal issues such as pelvic and low back pain, diastasis recti, exercise during pregnancy, return to exercise postpartum and management of scars, both after perineal tears or c-section scars. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is also important for people with pelvic organ prolapse, urinary or faecal incontinence, urgency or straining. Ms Sultana specializes in the treatment of sexual pain and dysfunction. Patients who are preparing for prostate or breast surgery or who have recently had such surgeries can also benefit from rehabilitation.
Pamela Borg
B.Psy (Hons.) (Melit), M.Sc (Ulster), M.Couns (Melit)
Pamela is a counsellor at Willingness Team who enjoys working therapeutically with adults, with an aim to support people to grow in their self-awareness and live their most fulfilling, authentic lives. She works with individuals and adults experiencing difficulties in the following areas: mental health, gender and sexuality, relationships, and adjusting to life transitions.
Seray Soyman
B.A (Hons) from Yasar University in Turkey, MSc. in Clinical Psychosexology from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Seray is a Clinical Psychosexologist at Willingness, specializing in sexuality, relationships, and mental health. With an MSc. (Hons.) in Clinical Psychosexology, she conducts research on sex-positivity, sexual communication, guilt, and sexuality education. She explores the impact of comprehensive sexuality education on societal change, advocating for inclusive and accessible services.
Written By:
Arianna Miclet

Graduated in Clinical Psychosexology from La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Mariah Farrugia

Bachelor of Psychology (Hons.)
Lauryn Cauchi

B.Psy (Hons) Psychology (UoM), Reading for Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy with EAPTI-GPTIM at the Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute. (Malta)
Katya Warrington

B.Psy (Hons.), Msc Sport and Exercise Psychology, UK, reading for a Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy (Malta)
Mahé Javegny Zenucchi

Bachelor of Science and Technology in Management and Administration 2017 - Evariste from Parny, Reunion Island and Bachelor's degree of Psychology University of Paris 8 IED. (France)
Derya Aslan

Psychological Counselor graduate from Adnan Menderes University. Currently reading for a Master's degree at Marmara University. (Turkey)
Chanel Azzopardi

Advanced Diploma in Marketing (MCAST), Malta