If we look closely, we notice that the raw and pure elements of the world are around us. Being in touch with nature is a great way to relax and connect with ourselves. The history and evolution of humanity has always had a deep connection with nature, we were born to thrive in it (Chowdhury, 2021). Therefore, it only stands to reason that having a connection with nature can prove vital to our wellbeing.

In this article, I express the greatest pleasure in explaining a few, out of many ways, on how to connect with nature.

  • Meditation

Not only does meditating help to calm the sense and bring you in the present moment, but practicing meditation can also further deepen your spiritual connection to the natural world. Grabbing our attention to what is right in front of our eyes. It is said to ease our levels of stress and blood pressure, increasing our sense of concentration and lowering the risk of depression (Howell, 2020). There are many online guided meditation videos that can help you kick start this practice.

  • Long Walks in Nature

Having a long walk is beneficial enough in itself, but having a long walk surrounded by the greenery and beauty of nature is guaranteed to provide a bonus effect. Being under the warmth of the sun is said to raise the levels of vitamin D in our system and lower ADHD symptoms. Just like the benefits mentioned before also, nature is said to reduce stress levels (Edwards, 2019).

  • Growing a Garden

This can easily be a very healthy hobby to maintain. Despite being time consuming, it allows the individual to take pride in their source of achievement, especially those who prefer an eco-friendly lifestyle. Growing a garden as an outdoor activity has proved to increase mood and regulate sleep levels (Holecko, 2020).

As a conclusion, the above text thrives in the idea that as human beings, born from and into the nature of the world, we are connected to nature. As the author of this article, I come to believe that only through connection with nature, can we truly connect with ourselves.

Lyon Vella is a Psychology graduate at the University of Malta and a Volunteer within Willingness Team.


Chowdhury, M. R. (2021, February 2). The positive effects of nature on our mental well-being. PositivePsychology. Retrieved from: https://positivepsychology.com/positive-effects-of-nature/.

Edwards, A. R. (2019, April 10). Why 30 minutes of nature a day is so good for your health. Yes. Retrieved from:  https://www.yesmagazine.org/health-happiness/2019/04/10/health-nature-science-outside/.

Holecko, C. (2020, June 8). How a family garden will improve your health. Verywell Family. Retrieved: https://www.verywellfamily.com/family-garden-to-improve-health-4127202.

Howell, D. R. (2020, August 27). 4 benefits of meditating in nature. Psychreg. Retrieved from: https://www.psychreg.org/meditating-in-nature/.