Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

While it is useful to have some general guidelines when it comes to effective parenting, examples usually make things clearer to understand and easier to remember. 

To clearly demonstrate how the basic rules of positive parenting can be used in

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Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Back in the past, there was no such thing as “parenting style” or names for different techniques. Why? Dr. Glenn Lathamthe author of the book ‘The power of positive parenting’ states the necessity of parenting today is a result of

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Willingness | 6 ways to foster your Kid’s Creativity

6 ways to foster your Kid’s Creativity

Do you want your kid to be the next Mozart? Van Gogh? J.K. Rowling? 

We are here to give you some relevant clarifications and some colorful tips.

What comes to mind when you hear the word creativity? And, is

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Willingness | Why Should We Eat Together as a Family?

Why Should We Eat Together as a Family?

Family life can be very hectic at times, with everyone’s targets and commitments dictating the family’s priorities. One of the few times during the day when a family may come together is during breakfast or dinner. This also may depend

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Willingness | 11 fun activities to do with your family

11 fun activities to do with your family

Having fun with your family is not only important for having fun, but also to build a stronger family identity. Studies show that families who have fun together tend to build stronger bonds which ties for life. Other benefits can

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Willingness | Ma mmurx tajjeb ma' missierha u stednuni għal Milied

Ma mmurx tajjeb ma’ missierha u stednuni għal Milied

Hekk kif jibda riesaq dan iż-żmien, ħafna jibdew jaħsbu għal ikla tal-Milied jew sabiex tlaqqa’ xi membri tal-familja u ħbieb id-dar. Normalment nieħdu gost li xi ħadd ikun ftakar fina u jixtieq jilqagħna ġewwa daru iżda jista’ jagħti l-każ ukoll

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