Willingness | Why is my child so angry?

Why is my child so angry?

I often hear parents complaining about their children having tantrums and expressing their anger. Many wonder what is the right approach in these situations and if their child is behaving normally.

When is anger, moodiness and aggression unhealthy?

According … Read more

Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

While it is useful to have some general guidelines when it comes to effective parenting, examples usually make things clearer to understand and easier to remember. 

To clearly demonstrate how the basic rules of positive parenting can be used in … Read more

Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Back in the past, there was no such thing as “parenting style” or names for different techniques. Why? Dr. Glenn Lathamthe author of the book ‘The power of positive parenting’ states the necessity of parenting today is a result of … Read more

Willingness | 3 Tips for Behaviour Change as Adults

3 Tips for Behaviour Change as Adults

Behaviour plays a key role in overall well-being of individuals. Especially as adults, it is so important to choose behaviours wisely. For example, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise; are some of the unhelpful behaviours that many people practice. Altering … Read more

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