Willingness | The outcomes of different parenting styles

The outcomes of different parenting styles

Throughout the years, researchers have coined 4 types of parenting styles that parents tend to use on their children. Each style tackles a different way of how you raise your child and how this may affect the development of your

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Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.2

While it is useful to have some general guidelines when it comes to effective parenting, examples usually make things clearer to understand and easier to remember. 

To clearly demonstrate how the basic rules of positive parenting can be used in

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Willingness | Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Taking my parenting to the next level – pt.1

Back in the past, there was no such thing as “parenting style” or names for different techniques. Why? Dr. Glenn Lathamthe author of the book ‘The power of positive parenting’ states the necessity of parenting today is a result of

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