When looking at your personality, do you see yourself as someone who is competitive and hard driven, or more laid back and easy-going? The way you see yourself actually determines whether you have a Type A or a Type B personality. These two personalities are polar opposites to one another, and that is why it’s interesting to know which personality type you fall under. Especially because the type of personality you have can influence the type of job you are inclined toward, your relationships, and even your health issues. In fact, the terms Type A and Type B personality were coined by American Cardiologists Ray H. Rosenman and Meyer Friedman. They found that individuals with a Type A personality were more prone to suffering from coronary artery disease in their life than those with a Type B personality. Thus, by knowing your personality type then you can be aware of how it might be affecting your health. The question then boils down to; which personality type are you?

Type A personality;

  1. More prone to stress and anxiety
  2. Great at multitasking
  3. Feels guilty when taking a break
  4. Concerned with time management
  5. Ambitious and hard working
  6. Keeps their schedule busy and has less time to enjoy life
  7. Has nervous gestures such as clenching their fist

Type B personality;

  1. More relaxed and easy going
  2. Less competitive; focus on enjoying a game rather than obsessed with winning
  3. Finds it difficult to multitask; prefers doing one thing at a time
  4. Knows how to balance both work and life; makes sure to enjoy life as much as possible
  5. Tends not to be a perfectionist
  6. Friendly and charismatic, making them easily liked by others
  7. Spontaneous and not concerned with time constraints

As previously said, these personality traits, may determine which type of job would be ideal for each individual. People with a Type A personality tend to go for work related to management, politics, business or even the military. While, on the other hand, Type B personalities would often prefer to work in customer relations, sales, entertainment or in the medical field.  

However, by looking at the above lists, you might have found yourself identifying with both of these personalities. This is normal as it’s difficult to check off completely all the boxes for just one category. Yet, you would still find yourself relating slightly more to one side than the other. Thus, if you’ve identified which type you fall under then you can use this to change your style a bit. By, for example, letting go of things if you’re Type A or to be more responsible if you’re Type B.

Having said this, new research is emerging that is rebutting the notion of only having a Type A or Type B personality. It is now believed that if your strengths and weaknesses align with both Type A and B, then you have what is known as a Type X personality. This personality type tends to change and adapt their personality according to the situation that they’re in.

Mandy is a Gestalt psychotherapist who enjoys working therapeutically with adults on various issues. These include general mental health and wellbeing. She also has experience working with anxiety, victims of domestic violence and eating disorders.


  1. McLeod, S. (2017). Type A and B Personality. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/personality-a.html
  2. Rosenman, R. H., Brand, R. J., Sholtz, R. I., & Friedman, M. (1976). Multivariate prediction of coronary heart disease during 8.5-year follow-up in the Western Collaborative Group Study. The American Journal of Cardiology, 37(6), 903-910.
  3. Surbhi, S. (2020). Difference Between Type A and Type B Personality (with Comparison Chart). Retrieved from https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-type-a-and-type-b-personality.html#:~:text=Type%20A%20personality%20is%20one%20which%20is%20stress%2Dprone%2C%20in,to%20be%20sensitive%20and%20proactive