School has been a difficult time for children with all the changes that COVID brought. Thus, it is important to adopt a positive attitude for the upcoming scholastic year. Children need all the help and support that they can be given. Helping to boost a positive and happy attitude in children will ensure that they become the best version of themselves. 

The following are some helpful tips to adopting a positive ‘back-to-school’ attitude;

1. Help them set a goal for the year 

 Helping children visualize their future success is an excellent way for them to focus on the upcoming year ahead. The goal can be as simple as passing Mathematics this year or joining the school play. This will help motivate your child to learn that they can achieve anything they set their mind to. As well as helping them feel excited to start achieving their set goals. 

2. Be the example 

Children tend to model the behavior and attitude of the people they value and look up to the most. This means that it is vital that your attitude is a positive one. As well as this, show them that you are enthusiastic about their school days. Spend time discussing their classes, help them prepare for the school year, and offer tips to help them study. 

3. Praise and praise them! 

Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to help your child learn to have a positive attitude about school. Praise them when they prepare their school bag on their own or when they try their best to do well. Giving them a verbal praise will help them learn to associate their academic efforts with a positive outcome.

4. Reinforce positive talk

 When you hear your child saying that they cannot do something, question why they feel they cannot do it. Help them change their negative mindset into a positive one; it is about helping them change their ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can.’

5. Discuss their school fears 

 Starting a new year can be intimidating for all children. Help them by discussing their fears and teach them that there will always be a solution to their fear. By talking through all of their fears together, then it is bound to help them develop a positive attitude!

Positivity can help children feel better about starting a new year, to take risks and try new things in the classroom. Try the above tips to ensure that you and your children will adopt a positive ‘back-to-school’ attitude! 

If there is something you’re struggling with and you’d like to speak to a professional, you can book an appointment here

Mandy Brincat is a Gestalt psychotherapist who enjoys working therapeutically with adults on various issues, such as general mental health and wellbeing. She also has experience working with children with anxiety and day to day stressful problems, and on relational issues with couples.


  1. Importance of a Positive Attitude for Students. (2019). Retrieved from
  2. Going Back To School With A Positive Attitude. (2016). Retrieved from
  3. Nelson, C. (2022). 7 Tips to Encourage a Positive Attitude in Students – Connections Academy®. Retrieved from