Getting ready

  • You chose the festival – a great one at that!
  • Make sure to check the festival’s website & socials to figure out the map, layout and how to get there.

What to take with you

  • Protective clothing – The problem with the Maltese sun is that she’s too eager to welcome you to the festival. Get sunglasses, hats, caps and anything that will protect you from getting a sun stroke.
  • Comfy footwear – there’s a lot of dancing involved at this festival.
  • Power bank – The last thing you want is for your battery to go flat when a headline act is on.
  • Any prescribed drugs that you are on. Pack for an extra couple of days and save them in a different location just in case you misplace your dosage.

Once you get there:

  • Get to know the site layout
  • Water……loads of it! Pace your drinks with some H2O. It will keep you going for longer
  • Agree on a meeting place with your mates just in case you get lost. (Chat Bar is a great place to hang out at)
  • Start low and take it slow – Be careful. Take it easy. The effects of substances can be altered by the festival atmosphere and even people who’ve tried them before can have a different experience. Small amounts. You can always add to the effect but you can’t take away. If you feel anxious or vulnerable then seek help. Our Chat Bar crew are trained in this
  • Tell your mates what you’re on. We know drugs are illegal…but tell them if you are taking anything
  • Tell them what other conditions you might have – physical, medical, psychological or psychiatric. Tell the ones you trust what they can do if you get an episode
  • Prescription medications – Keep them safe and dry. Make sure the pharmacy labels are attached. Bring an extra day or two’s worth just in case they get lost or you can’t get home in time
  • Pace yourself. Alcohol, substances…pace yourself. It’s a 2-day festival. The last thing you want is to be hungover when your favourite artist is on!

Looking out for each other:

  • Sometimes we get bad thoughts in the places where we should be having the most fun. In this case tell your mates to get you to Chat Bar. Do not let your thoughts get too intense before you tell them. Thoughts and emotions do not just happen. Like an elevator they go up from 1 to 10 slowly, or sometimes rapidly. Speak up when
    the thought or emotion is still controllable. That way you have ample time to get to us at Chat Bar.
  • If you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed…take some time off by enjoying a cuppa tea and a chat with one of our qualified personnel.
  • Come say hello to our Chat Bar crew, whatever the case, they are a great group of people who will be ready to guide you and help you enjoy the rest of your day!

Want to read more about Chat Bar? Check out our info page here.