Willingness | Active Ageing

Active Ageing

Active Ageing is an important concept when discussing old age theories and issues nowadays, and it is the go-to concept for many policy makers and professionals when working with older adults.

What is active ageing?

Basically, Active Ageing is all … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Fear of Falling</strong>

Fear of Falling

One of the most prevalent issues in old age pertains to the aspect of falling. Older adults, due to several aspects, become more prone to the possibility of falling, which may lead to further injuries. 

How does this fear develop?

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Willingness | Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

As the population ages, several studies document how ageing affects the physical body. Various systems will be affected, including the muscular & nervous systems, which are significant components of movement & balance. These changes might cause the elderly to increase … Read more

Willingness | The psychological effects of retirement

The psychological effects of retirement

My father just retired and has too much time on his hands. The psychological effects of retirement.

Retirement brings with it a lot of new experiences and psychological challenges that are in themselves unique, resulting in the retiree feeling overwhelmed … Read more

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