Willingness | Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

Balance & Elderly: The Benefits

As the population ages, several studies document how ageing affects the physical body. Various systems will be affected, including the muscular & nervous systems, which are significant components of movement & balance. These changes might cause the elderly to increase … Read more

Willingness | All You Need to Know:  Physiotherapy

All You Need to Know: Physiotherapy

1. What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps people to regain their mobility and functional abilities first, and then to move more easily when they experience an injury or illness that affects physical activity. 

2. What Do Physiotherapists Do?

Physiotherapists, thanks to … Read more

Willingness | How does a physiotherapist help with hypertension?

How does a physiotherapist help with hypertension?

According to the World Health Organisation, hypertension is considered one of the most common cardiac severe conditions. Hypertension does not show any symptoms in its early stages. However, it is responsible for some of the most painful diseases affecting the … Read more

Willingness | Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Il-fibromyalgia hija kundizzjoni li ġabet popolarita’ f’dawn l-aħħar żminijiet. Ir-rata ta’ nies li jbatu minn fibromyalgia qed tiżdied drastikament, b’disgħa mitt persuna jbatu minn dil-kundizzjoni f’Malta biss skont l-aħħar stħarriġ. Din il-kundizzjoni kronika hija kkarateriżata minn uġigħ kontinwu f’diversi partijiet … Read more

Willingness | Meta għandi nfittex fiżjoterapista?

Meta għandi nfittex fiżjoterapista?

Għalkemm il-fiżjoterapija sar professjoni komuni fil-qasam tas-saħħa, wieħed jista’ jkun konfuż meta għandu jfittex dan is-servizz. Fis-sezzjonijiet li ġejjin ser tkun magħruf meta huwa bżonnjuż is-servizz tal-fiżjoterapija.


Uġigħ huwa l-iktar sintomu komuni li niltaqgħu miegħu fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Ħafna … Read more

Willingness | Why Physiotherapy?

Why Physiotherapy?

Everyone has met with this scenario at some point in time. You are busy at work, doing chores at home or trying to stay fit by exercising. Suddenly, you feel a slight pain in your lower back, your neck stiffens, … Read more

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