After its success in 2015, Willingness brought back by popular demand, the Nghidu Kelma seminar on ‘Suicide – Working with clients with suicide and suicidal clients’. Suicide is a tragic event with strong emotional repercussions for its survivors and for the families of its victims. In Malta, on average, 2 to 5 people complete suicide every month and research shows that for every individual who dies from suicide, there are another 20 people who attempt it. Furthermore, the experience of a suicide survivor, who lost a loved one to suicide, is an extremely traumatic and painful experience.
During such an experience shock and disbelief are generally the initial reactions. During the workshop, it was explored how literature defines suicide and how one can practically assess such risk. Suicide as “psychache” will be explored, alongside suicide notes, suicide amongst the Gifted and Prevention. Moreover, through discussions and group work, this workshop also helped participants look at particular cases and explore how to work effectively with clients facing this ideation. Practical tips when dealing with suicidal patients and their relatives was shared by the highly experienced speaker. The key speaker during this seminar was Mr. Charles Cassar a Maltese registered psychotherapist.