Eating problems can be overcome. Many people find that once they have found support and help, they begin to learn how to tackle their problems, cope with the causes and improve their relationship with food. While people around you may find eating problems difficult to understand, they will usually want to help you however they can. You may find it useful, when you are able, to discuss with them things that they can do to help and things that they should try to avoid doing or saying. Your routines around eating and food can be hard to break, especially if you’re experiencing eating problems. You might find that putting some small, practical solutions in place can help you avoid eating patterns that you find problematic. This might mean buying smaller amounts of food if you’re overeating, or making sure you do something fun after meals if you’re worried about throwing up. If you are focusing on your weight, calories or food-related goals, you might find it helpful to think of positive goals that aren’t about eating problems. The help and support of friends, family and professionals can help you identify and resolve the underlying causes of your eating problems. Without this, breaking free from a negative relationship with food can be extremely difficult. Receiving help early on is also very important as it can help prevent further difficulties.
Claire is a gestalt psychotherapist at Willingness. She works with adolescents and adults. She has a special interest in mental health. She can be contacted on