Aistė was one of many interns at Willingness. She shared her company experience during her time in Malta. She delves into all the knowledge, skills, and professional guidance that was received during her time at Willingness.
My Summer Internship Journey
My journey to Malta commenced after attending one of Matthew Bartolo’s captivating plenary reports. His information-packed sessions and energetic delivery left me thirsting for more. Fortunately, my eagerness to learn drove me to become an intern at the Willingness Clinic, a decision for which I am profoundly grateful.
In these two months, I had the privilege to engage in various roles, attend supervision sessions, and get unique insights from local professionals. Working with children during the camp taught me the virtues of patience, respect for boundaries, and vital relationship-building skills, how to create a connection in a short period of time and let it go, which are essential for my future jog as a therapist. Time spent in the clinic showed me all the little details that go into making the clients feel comfortable, the organization work efficiently, and projects become reality.
I even had an opportunity to contribute to the new season of an educational program for Maltese people about sex and attend its filming. I am thankful that this internship also provided me with a chance to participate in a Chat Bar which is a safe space for anxious or overdosed ones. We could talk to people, hear their stories, and help them to feel better so they can continue to party and have a good time. Besides all of this, I became friends with wonderful people who worked with me and survived the heatwave with all its records of, how far the drop of sweat from the neck can travel to, and the coldness of the AC in the admin room which made us shiver. I can’t be grateful enough that destiny brought us all here at the same time and that the Willingness team welcomed us so warmly into their family.
In conclusion, this internship has been a transformative journey.
It has not only elevated my professional capabilities but also enriched my personal growth.
Following this experience, I am more self-assured about my chosen career path and better equipped to identify my future job preferences. Moreover, I’ve gained insights into crafting my desired work environment and embracing work-life balance. While working hard on dedicated tasks at Willingness, I also managed to carve out time to explore Malta’s offerings, from amazing beaches to colourful festivals. This journey immersed me in the local culture, from unique driving styles to unpredictable fireworks, helping me to appreciate the little details in life even more.
For me, the most memorable experiences will be the boat party, where we got to encounter the same enemy, large waves, which challenged our stomachs on the hardest level, and the excursion to Gozo, where we, once again, were met with saucy nature and its power of wind, which lifted every skirt and dress that stood in its way.
All in all, my sincere appreciation extends to the Willingness team, my co-interns now cherished friends, and Erasmus, orchestrating an unforgettable summer. This transformative journey has left an enduring mark, underscoring the power of experiential learning and cultural immersion.
Written by Aistė Ambrozaitytė – Psychology intern at Willingness