Willingness | Relationship Pitstop

Relationship Pitstop

Relationships are made up of ups and downs and hard work done by both parties in the relationship. Relationships are also about communication and taking time off to connect as a couple. Willingness organized a day retreat called ‘Relationship Pit … Read more

Privacy Policy for Willingness Team

Welcome to the Willingness Team, a Malta mental health centre committed to providing top-notch assistance and treatment. This privacy statement describes our procedures when gathering, using, safeguarding, and disclosing personal data via the Cliniko app and our website.

1. Information … Read more

Willingness | Why can’t I be like everyone else?

Why can’t I be like everyone else?

Feeling different to everybody else can make a person feel like they do not fit in. Therefore they do not have a sense of belonging. This may lead them to ask, “why can’t I be like everyone else?”. The simple … Read more

Willingness | <strong>What is the actual cost of multi-tasking?</strong>

What is the actual cost of multi-tasking?

Are you more of a “one thing at a time” or an “all at once” person? In today’s world, being able to tackle different things at once is often required. We even mention multi-tasking in our CV as one of … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Ir-Relazzjoni ta’ Koppja Wara Korriment</strong>

Ir-Relazzjoni ta’ Koppja Wara Korriment

Minkejja li l-esperjenza hi l-istess, ir-reazzjoni tiegħek u tas-sieħeb tiegħek jaf tvarja ħafna wara korriment. Xi koppji jirrealizzaw li din l-esperjenza għaqqdithom aktar flimkien, filwaqt li oħrajn jaf isibuha ħafna aktar diffiċli. Dan ma jfissirx li, bħala koppja, m’intomx b’saħħitkom … Read more

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