Willingness | Chat Bar | Festival Survival Guide

Chat Bar | Festival Survival Guide

Getting ready

  • You chose the festival – a great one at that!
  • Make sure to check the festival’s website & socials to figure out the map, layout and how to get there.

What to take with you

  • Protective clothing –
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Willingness | Did I inherit or develop my personality?

Did I inherit or develop my personality?

A devil, a born devil, on whose nature 

Nurture can never stick


Like father, like son. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We have tons of idioms to express similarities between family members. We even use them … Read more

Willingness | The Athlete and the Self

The Athlete and the Self

We talk about athletes as if they were a different human breed. We see them as super-machines, capable of training for long periods and enduring incredible efforts. But, we tend to forget that they are just like the rest of … Read more

Willingness | 5 lesser known health benefits of veggies

5 lesser known health benefits of veggies

Everybody knows vegetables are good for you. You can probably name some of these benefits right now! They help you grow big and strong, give you energy, and give you the nutrients your body needs. However, there are other benefits … Read more

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