Willingness | Is old age a laughing matter?

Is old age a laughing matter?

Laughter is taken for granted. Think about it? When was the last time you made a conscious effort to throw a joke? Or perhaps allowed yourself to laugh and truly enjoy that laugh?

Research indicates the powerful effects of laughter

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Willingness | Remembering our lost loved ones at Christmas

Remembering our lost loved ones at Christmas

The Christmas period can be particularly difficult when we are grieving the loss of a loved one. Irrelevant of when the loss had occurred, we may especially feel the absence of a family member, friend, or pet more strongly during

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Willingness | Il-Milied u l-mama xogħol barra minn Malta

Il-Milied u l-mama xogħol barra minn Malta

Il-Milied huwa żmien importanti għal ħafna familji fil-kultura Maltija. Hemm tendenza li dan iż-żmien ikun ikkaraterizzat minn ħin mal-familja, kemm waqt li jkun qed joqrob, kif ukoll – u b’mod speċjali – il-ġurnata tal-Milied innifisha. Minkejja dan kollu, iktar ma

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Willingness | How do I break bad news to my family?

How do I break bad news to my family?

Breaking bad news is never easy. No one enjoys being the bearer of bad news, especially when you know that the news will upset your loved ones. How do you tell your close relatives that you’ve been fired when you

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Willingness | IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL?


The most common question after the birth of a new baby is: ‘Is it a boy or a girl?. Yet, sometimes the biological sex of the baby is not that straight forward, which can cause a lot of fear and

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Willingness | Society’s Guide to Single Dads

Society’s Guide to Single Dads

Living in the 21st Century means we often think we are as progressive as it gets. We fight for our rights, protest, march and boast about building inclusive societies, but are we really? Sometimes we all need to check

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