Willingness | My Anxiety is Affecting my Children

My Anxiety is Affecting my Children

Parents are not immune to the feelings and emotions that are experienced by everyone else. While it is completely natural for parents to experience periods of anxiety, some may find themselves concerned about how their anxiety may be impacting their … Read more

Willingness | Għandi Tletin Sena u Għadni Niddependi fuq il-Ġenituri

Għandi Tletin Sena u Għadni Niddependi fuq il-Ġenituri

Hekk kif il-bniedem jimmatura, anke r-relazzjonijiet tiegħu ma’ ħaddieħor jimmaturaw. Filfatt, dik il-persuna li xi darba tkun tifel jew tifla dipendenti fuq ħaddieħor tiżviluppa f’adult indipendenti. Madanakollu, dan mhux dejjem il-każ għax ikun hemm drabi fejn, għal xi raġuni jew … Read more

Willingness | Taking care of our family during hot weather

Taking care of our family during hot weather

While for some, Summer tends to be synonymous to being on holiday and to a period of relaxation, phases of intense heat can be far from relaxing for many others. Periods of heat waves, increased humidity, dry hot winds, all … Read more

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