As opposed to past decades, our generation tends to spend more time indoors than connect with nature. Even when outside, we tend to spend much of our time on our phone and this further disconnects us from the natural world and is taking its toll on both our mental and physical health. Moreover, we are living such a hectic life that, most of the time, we miss out on seeing our surroundings, as beautiful as they may be. One of the most daily occurrences to witness is sunrises and this is possible if you are an early riser. People who watch the sunrise every morning can receive numerous benefits including the following:

  • Is therapeutic

By immersing yourself in the beauty of nature, you can experience a sense of calm, cultivate mindfulness and foster gratitude. When watching a sunrise, you will also be appreciating the present moment and tapping into a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures that life has to offer. It also enables us to connect deeper with ourselves and the world around us whilst symbolizing new beginnings, a fresh perspective and renewed hope for the day ahead.

  • Triggers the production of vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for healthy bones and immunity. The deficiency of this vitamin can lead to several health problems, including osteoporosis, depression, and even cancer. Therefore, starting your day with a dose of natural sunlight helps you stay healthy and vibrant. 

  • Reduces stress and boosts mood levels

Research shows that there is a direct link between sunlight and serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. Whilst sunlight stimulates the retinas in our eyes, a lack of sunlight can contribute to depression. Vitamin D always plays a role in serotonin production and release which affects our mood. To get enough vitamin D, 20 minutes of daily sunshine is recommended. Moreover, being in nature for just a few minutes can reduce stress.

  • Reduces inflammation

The feeling of awe resulting from the breathtaking sunrise has an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. A particular study shows that feeling positive emotions, especially the awe we feel from nature, art, or spiritual experiences, is linked to lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

  • Restores attention

According to the attention restoration theory, spending time in nature, or even just looking at it, can reduce mental fatigue and boost concentration. Moreover, this theory states that the brain can only focus on a specific stimulus or task for a limited amount of time and the brain functions better and is more able to concentrate when exposed to nature. 

  • Engages our minds

The mesmerizing colours of the sunlight and its gentle light stimulates our visual sense and evokes a profound sense of awe and wonder. Such natural events can also influence one’s perception of beauty, altering people’s appreciation and connection to nature whilst highlighting the therapeutic and mood enhancing effects of such experiences.

  • Regulating our biological processes

Natural light influences our body’s natural clock or circadian rhythm. Therefore, experiencing a sunrise can help synchronize our internal clock, promoting better sleep patterns and overall well-being. 

The numerous benefits discussed above encourage us to wake up early to watch the sunrise. For those who already wake up early, try stepping outside and see what happens!

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Johanna Cutajar is a Master in Counselling graduate from the University of Malta. She works with children and adolescents as a counsellor within the education sector on a variety of issues including relationship issues, trauma, bereavement, transitions, and general mental health.


Wilson, D.R. (2022). Mental Health Benefits of Watching the Sunrise. Retrieved from