‘Surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self’.
This quote encapsulates perfectly what my experience with Willingness has been. Those who know me know that I am always open to new opportunities. Sitting in my chair during a ‘Ngħidu Kelma’ Event back in November 2019, I was captivated by how the event was organised. There were different professionals who attended and it brought about a solid discussion, open to interpretations. These types of events offer a variety of knowledge while also encouraging you to learn more. At the time, I was in my final year in Bachelor of Arts in English and Psychology. I remember myself having one goal, trying to figure out what I want to do next. During all these years in University I have learned about the theories and techniques, but I was lacking a hands-on experience. Having a practical experience would definitely give me a better understanding, making sure that this line of work is aligned to my life purpose. Towards the end of the event, I spoke to Matthew Bartolo. He immediately put my mind at ease with his words. Following that, we planned a meeting to discuss the options, including Willingness’s voluntary incentive. For more than a year now, I have been working as a volunteer. I can confidently say this work feels very rewarding.
I have always been a driven and determined person, but you will not believe how much more motivated I was when surrounded by people who are so enthusiastic about what they do. My work of ethic and passion towards this line of work has increased. The team encouraged me to do things I never had envisaged myself to do. I could gratefully say that I had met my initial goal. With the help of Willingness, I knew that Psychology was my calling. I am currently doing a Psychology Higher diploma course to further my studies. Later on, I plan to pursue a master’s degree to become a psychologist. Willingness assisted me not only to achieve my starting goals but also to set new ones. This is one of the things I admire most about this team. That they always strive to be better. I can honestly say that they offer the right tools and the encouragement to grow. Volunteering has also led to employment in areas that I feel passionate about. Without any doubt, I have found my IKIGAI with this team. The term IKIGAI, in brief, is what one is trying to achieve from the life that we as individuals are given. In conclusion, I want to thank the team for guiding me and supporting me throughout this journey.