If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, the last thing you want to see is a mess around you. At times, even having a never-ending to-do list could contribute to feelings of stress, so finishing off tasks will help you feel more at ease. Sometimes, the sight of an organised and clean environment can be enough to help you start to unwind.

5 reasons why organisation can help improve your mental health:

  1. Being organised can improve your overall mood by reducing feelings of stress. Your home is where you should feel most relaxed, but this can be impossible if you’re looking at all the clutter around you. Hence, once you clear the mess in your space, you will start to feel less overwhelmed and more comfortable in the space you are in.
  2. Cleaning can be a way for you to feel grounded. It gives you the time to let go of all your thoughts and focus on the present task at hand. So, you can see it as a form of self-care where you let go of all your worries.
  3. An organised space can contribute to better sleep quality. Knowing everything is sorted before bed can help your mind feel rested. Also, when you wake up, you will immediately feel in a better mood when you don’t see chaos around you.
  4. Organisation can also help you focus better. It is much easier to concentrate in a clean space rather than when you have clutter around you. So, if you’re having trouble focusing on a specific task, try clearing up the space around you and see if that helps improve your productivity. It can also be a form of a break from the task at hand to clear your mind and then get back to it.
  5. Organisation gives you the energy to be productive. Organising your surroundings can make you feel accomplished and in control. Starting your day with an organised space sets a productive tone.

Ensuring that the environment around you is organised does not need to take a lot of time or even effort. It can be something you do a bit of every day until you feel satisfied with the space around you. Just remember to start small and slowly, and you will eventually get there. Focus on the above reasons to help motivate you to start.

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Mandy Brincat is a Gestalt psychotherapist who enjoys working therapeutically with adults on various issues. These include general mental health and well-being. She also has experience working with anxiety, victims of domestic violence and eating disorders.


  1. Beckwith, A. (2022, July 1). The Mental Health Benefits of Decluttering. Utah State University. https://extension.usu.edu/mentalhealth/articles/the-mental-benefits-of-decluttering
  2. Gordon, S. (2021, February 2). Mental Health Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-mental-health-and-cleaning-are-connected-5097496
  3. Puspita, T. (2022, January 17). Mental Health Benefits of Staying Organized – Workplace Options. Workplace Options. https://www.workplaceoptions.com/blog/mental-health-benefits-of-staying-organized/