How can trauma affect us?

The word trauma is used to describe overwhelming and emotionally painful experiences that people go through in life. The American Psychological Association describes trauma as ‘an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster.’ Someone … Read more

Not tonight darling…

Some parents complain that sex life after having kids changes. They might feel too exhausted after a day of juggling work and family commitments to have sex. Yet when the children grow up and there is more time to be … Read more

Facing a cancer diagnosis…

Facing a cancer diagnosis is difficult. It stops us in our tracks, makes us re-evaluate our priorities, sometimes our whole life. It changes our daily routine, our relationships and work commitments. How can we live through it and face surgery … Read more

Educating the WHOLE CHILD

Children are born curious and competent, connected to the world with ethical thinking, and in a perpetual state of active learning.


The increased emphasis on academic success is having a regrettable ripple effect: an unwavering emphasis on content; a … Read more

Qiegħda tikber id-distanza

Jien ilni miżżewġa sitt snin.  Fl-ewwel sentejn taż-żwieġ jien u r-raġel konna veru marbutin ma’ xulxin.  Wara dawk is-sentejn, twieldu t-tfal, u iddedikajna il-ħin kollu tagħna għalijhom.  Issa li t-tfal bdew imorru l-iskola,  jiena u r-raġel sibna iktar ħin għal-passatempi … Read more

Bereavement and Grief

Bereavement is a term that is used to describe the recovery process that a person goes through after the loss of a loved one. The reaction to such a loss is called grief. According to the Kubler-Ross model, there are … Read more

How comfortable are we with silence

How comfortable are we with silence? We are continuously inundated with noise: traffic, music, people talking, television blaring. On the news, we see human tragedy unfold: terrorism, murder, war, racism, hatred…All this information, coupled with the difficulties we face in … Read more

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