What I always find fascinating is that as one engages in conversation with others regarding their specific situation/s, one starts to realise that there is something which is so obvious yet so overlooked. Perception, a quick google search states that … Read more
The SILENT struggle
It’s 5 p.m. and I am really tired after a whole day at work. Yet I know that there is still one more family I need to see. I hear a knock on the office door and I see the … Read more
The ‘Different’ Road
We are all so popular now, so connected. ‘Social networking’ is the new buzzword. New verbs have seeped into our day to day language – we blog, we skype and tweet our thoughts in fewer than 140 characters. We post … Read more
What grandparents can learn from their grandchildren
In a grandchild-grandparent relationship, the grandparent is usually seen as the one who can teach, by sharing knowledge and life experiences. But that may not always be true. There are plenty of things that grandparents can learn from communication and … Read more
Are you pregnant?! The new parent and grandparent roles
The news about a pregnancy usually brings a lot of joy into a newly created family. It also means that the roles within a family setting are going to change. It involves not only new parent-baby relationships but also it … Read more
Does your teenage child behave differently from other kids his age? – Part 2 of 2
It is interesting for me that when I explain this to parents; they seem to digest it very well. Yet, I frequently meet a “however”. It is not uncommon for parents to feel that their child’s behaviour is uniquely explosive. … Read more
Does your teenage child behave differently from other kids his age? – Part 1 of 2
Do you have a teenage son or daughter? Do you feel like your relationship with them is dithering? Teenage years are a time of change in the life of a human being. Not that life is not characterised by an … Read more
Victimization of Prostitutes
Prostitution has been around in society since the concept of payable services was conceptualised. Thus sex work stemmed due to a need from a minority population in order to survive. Despite this, their chosen means to achieve this goal didn’t … Read more
Communication is key
Most of the problems which couples encounter can easily be solved through open communication. Then why is it so difficult to communicate with one’s partner? Perhaps one’s busy life takes over and does not permit time to communicate. It could … Read more
The Nature of Coming Out
Individuals who identify themselves as having a sexual orientation other than heterosexual are likely to go through the coming out process. This is primarily due to the expectation in society which describes that, most people one will encounter are heterosexual.… Read more