Willingness | 10 Foods That Fuel Your Brain

10 Foods That Fuel Your Brain

Food is a very important aspect of our lives. It does not only supply us with energy and nutrients for growth, cellular repair and immunity, but it is also important for our brain functions. The brain controls all the processes … Read more

Willingness | Myth-busting Schizophrenia

Myth-busting Schizophrenia

A type of mental health disorder we often hear about is schizophrenia. Despite many have heard of schizophrenia, it may not always be clear what this disorder entails and how it would look or feel like. There are a number … Read more

Willingness | Please Take Breaks from the News

Please Take Breaks from the News

Hearing about the pandemic can be upsetting for some and being constantly reminded of it can be taxing on our mental health. Currently, all we hear about and see on the news is information related to COVID, every time you … Read more

Willingness | Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Kif jista’ fiżjoterapista jgħin fil-fibromyalgia?

Il-fibromyalgia hija kundizzjoni li ġabet popolarita’ f’dawn l-aħħar żminijiet. Ir-rata ta’ nies li jbatu minn fibromyalgia qed tiżdied drastikament, b’disgħa mitt persuna jbatu minn dil-kundizzjoni f’Malta biss skont l-aħħar stħarriġ. Din il-kundizzjoni kronika hija kkarateriżata minn uġigħ kontinwu f’diversi partijiet … Read more

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