Ending a relationship with a narcissist could be one of the hardest things that you may need to do in your life. Breakups in and of themselves are never easy, but breaking it off with a narcissist may require you … Read more
The value of feeling angry
Angry emotions tend to be perceived in a negative light, especially when compared to feelings of happiness or excitement. This is understandable since when we feel angry, the actions that follow can be rather unsettling or violent.
However, this blog … Read more
What is Parental Alienation and How Does It Affect My Children?
Parental alienation is a sad reality that, unfortunately, is very common in our society. This term is used to describe a situation where one parent attempts to negatively influence their children against another parent, known as the targeted parent. Despite … Read more
5 Tips on How to Maintain the Right Balance between Work and Parenthood
Finding a balance between one’s job or career, and parenting may not be the most straightforward. There may be times when you feel that you have achieved this balance, whereas other times when you feel that one is taking over … Read more
What exactly is an orgasm?
Some have stated that orgasms are indescribable and undefinable, but also some gave it a try for its definition in the past:
“The expulsive discharge of neuromuscular tensions at the peak of sexual response.” – Kinsey and colleagues, 1953
“A … Read more
Why is taking care of myself important? – Part 2 (and how to do it)
This blog will speak about how we will look at why and how we can incorporate short self-care practices into our daily lives.
It is important to understand that self-care and wellbeing are skills and that we get better at … Read more
Why is taking care of myself important? ( Part 1)
Self-care is a very complex and relevant topic. As a society, we’ve been seeing significant increases in rates of depression, anxiety, suicides, and loneliness. This needs to be seen as a mental health crisis.
There are things which are beyond … Read more
The Happiness Myths
In his book, The Happiness Trap (Harris, 2014), Dr. R. Harris analyses the four main myths of happiness.
Myth #1: Happiness as a natural state
According to Dr. Russ Harris, it is a main trait of the western way of … Read more
Why do some people avoid seeking help for sexual problems?
If you had a sexual problem, what would you do?
Whether it’s premature ejaculation, vaginismus, pain during sex, inability to have an orgasm, or something else entirely, it’s estimated that almost half of sexually active adults experience some form of … Read more
My son is violent towards me
Anger is an emotion that is felt by everyone; including children and adolescents. In fact, most adolescents express healthy anger, engage in conflict or experience frustration, especially during the transition from being children to becoming young adults. However, this anger … Read more