Willingness | <strong>How Has My Childhood Shaped My Adult Life</strong>

How Has My Childhood Shaped My Adult Life

Undeniably, childhood has an effect on adulthood and our childhood experiences are key in shaping our identity as adults. Childhood experiences start shaping who we become as adults from the moment we are born. This also explains why we grow … Read more

Willingness | Dealing With Rejection in Parent-Child Relationships

Dealing With Rejection in Parent-Child Relationships

Parental rejection is the lack of warmth, love, and affection from parents or a considerable withdrawal of those feelings through either physical or psychological destructive behaviours or feelings. It can be felt through different manifestations or parenting approaches, such as … Read more

Willingness | The Shadow of Parental Criticism on Adult Self-Worth

The Shadow of Parental Criticism on Adult Self-Worth

Parental criticism, especially consistent or harsh criticism during one’s childhood, can have a big impact on a person’s self-worth even through the later stages of their life. It is useful to note that parental criticism can take several different forms. … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Parental Absence: Consequences in Adult Life</strong>

Parental Absence: Consequences in Adult Life

Ideally, children grow up in a loving and caring environment surrounded by both their parents. For many different reasons, this, however, is not always the case. Some of us have grown up with one parent or even both parents being … Read more

Willingness | <strong>Minn Mindu Qed Nisseparaw, It-Tifel Sar Iwarrabni</strong>

Minn Mindu Qed Nisseparaw, It-Tifel Sar Iwarrabni

Nista’ nifhem l-uġigħ li l-ġenitur iħoss meta t-tfal tiegħek jibdew iwarrbuk, apparti l-uġigħ li ġġib magħha t-telfa tar-relazzjoni. Jekk din tkun problema ġdida, jaf tħossok ħafna aktar konfuż u anzjuż minħabba dak li jkun qed jiġri. Ħafna drabi, inwaħħlu fis-sieħeb … Read more

Willingness | What causes Parental Alienation?

What causes Parental Alienation?

In a study held by Mr Vincent Marmara, six hundred people were questioned about what is Parental Alienation and 80% didn’t know what the term means. The results show that only 3.4% knew that Parental Alienation is when a parent … Read more

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