Willingness | Self-care is Vital

Self-care is Vital

Some confuse the act of self-care with selfishness, where one simply thinks of oneself at the expense of others. Others experience guilt at the thought of having some time for themselves. Therefore this blog aims to explain self-care and its Read more

Willingness | <strong>Why Am I Experiencing Regular Burnout?</strong>

Why Am I Experiencing Regular Burnout?

It’s not uncommon to feel burnt out every so often, especially in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. But if you find yourself feeling burnt out every two months, it may be a sign that something deeper is going on.

Burnout … Read more

Willingness | <strong>A Failed IVF: How do we recover?</strong>

A Failed IVF: How do we recover?

When reading this blog, you might be aware that IVF stands for in-vitro fertilization. It is the most successful treatment available for individuals/couples suffering from one form of infertility, however, it requires an investment of energy, time, money, and hope…… Read more

Willingness | Should I take meds or try therapy?

Should I take meds or try therapy?

In a world with numerous medication options, it may be tempting to think that there is a pill that can solve all your problems. “Taking a pill is much easier than going to therapy. It will work more consistently; it … Read more

Willingness | Overwhelmed With Stress?

Overwhelmed With Stress?

We have all experienced some degree of stress, and different people have various coping mechanisms in order to reduce or relieve the stress that one is experiencing. Nevertheless, at times these fail us. This could be either because of the … Read more

Willingness | Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

Abuse in any shape or form, is always an issue to look out for, report, and act upon if noticed. It is the intentional action that can possibly cause harm to another individual, through inappropriate actions or behaviours. Abuse, therefore, … Read more

Willingness | I never have enough time

I never have enough time

My encounters with clients and their topics, as well as my struggle with the feeling of never having enough time and the stress that comes with that, led me to a podcast that talked about the way we tend to … Read more

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