Emotional invalidation occurs when our thoughts, feelings, or behaviours are either judged, dismissed, minimised, or rejected. Being told that “it could be worse”, “just let it go”, or “you shouldn’t feel that way” are all examples of emotionally invalidating statements. … Read more
Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex, long-term disorder marked by extreme fatigue or tiredness that does not improve with rest and its aetiology and prognosis are not fully understood. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by severe and medically unexplainable fatigue … Read more
Covid and giving yourself permission to feel
Give yourself permission to feel. Yes, it might sound simple but often to not the most obvious and simple things are what we need in life. Everyone has experienced some sort of discomfort during the pandemic and when we try … Read more
Post Covid Stress Disorder: An Emerging Phenomenon
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 5.6 million deaths reported worldwide to date. Aside from the death toll, the pandemic has triggered significant emotional, physical, and economic problems around the world. The pandemic has led to diverse mental health problems … Read more
The out-of-body experience: Depersonalisation-Derealisation Disorder
Depersonalisation-derealisation disorder (DPDD) is a mental health condition characterised by persistent or recurring episodes of depersonalisation, derealisation or both. Depersonalisation is where the person has the feeling of being outside themselves and observing their actions, thoughts and feelings from a … Read more
Do I have an anxiety disorder or am I just anxious?
We all experience some form of anxiety at some point in our lives. Indeed, anxiety is a common response to life stresses such as starting a new job, moving house and having financial challenges. So what is the difference between … Read more
Myth-busting Schizophrenia
A type of mental health disorder we often hear about is schizophrenia. Despite many have heard of schizophrenia, it may not always be clear what this disorder entails and how it would look or feel like. There are a number … Read more
Please Take Breaks from the News
Hearing about the pandemic can be upsetting for some and being constantly reminded of it can be taxing on our mental health. Currently, all we hear about and see on the news is information related to COVID, every time you … Read more
5 Ways to Ground Yourself
Have you ever experienced the feeling of your mind drifting away, following some stray thought in your head, rather than being fully present in the moment? Your answer to this question is almost certainly going to be yes because this … Read more
Din mhix it-terapista li qed nfittex
Biex issib terapista li tgħinek tħossok aħjar mhux daqshekk faċli. Infatti, hemm ċans kbir li l-proċess biex dan isir jeħodlok ħafna mill-ħin tiegħek. Però, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, meta dan il-proċess isir tajjeb, m’għandux jiddispjaċik. Jekk tinnota, hemm ċertu kwalitajiet li kull … Read more