Willingness | ADHD - A Family Affair

ADHD – A Family Affair

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-developmental disorder that starts in childhood. For a conclusive diagnosis to be reached, several symptoms need to have been present before the age of 12. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) describes … Read more

Willingness | Preventing Suicide

Preventing Suicide

According to WHO, suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death in the age group of 15-29 year olds (WHO, 2019). This is a reality which we are facing however it is one which is rarely spoken about because of … Read more

Willingness | Why do I obsess about my appearance?

Why do I obsess about my appearance?

In a world filled with unrealistic beauty standards and unrealistic social media posts, people might experience insecurities about their appearances from time to time. It is normal for people to feel less confident about a specific part of their body. … Read more

Willingness | Mental Health in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Mental Health in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Throughout the years, humanity experienced a history of pandemics, the most recent being COVID-19. Several consequences emerge from such global pandemics, many of which are new, threatening, and related to mental health. Despite the modern advances in medicine, more than … Read more

Willingness | Qed inħossni anzjuża mmur lura għar-rutina normali...

Qed inħossni anzjuża mmur lura għar-rutina normali…

Mhix sorpriża li ansjetà, depressjoni, stress, burdata ħażina u problemi oħra ta’ saħħa mentali żdiedu b’riżultat tal-pandemija. Il-qgħad jew it-telf ta’ dħul, kif ukoll l-għeluq ta’ skejjel u nurseries u l-bidla fil-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol, wasslu għal żieda fl-istress u problemi psikoloġiċi.… Read more

Willingness | I am Having Consistent Panic Attacks

I am Having Consistent Panic Attacks

Anxiety is part and parcel in our set of feelings and emotions incorporated into our lives. However, when anxiety blows through the roof and turns into a panic attack, that is where behaviour becomes concerning. This article identifies what a … Read more

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