The concept of dating an educated or even a more successful woman can lead men to have complete opposite viewpoints on the subject. The way they feel about it tends to vary; do they find it attractive or unattractive? So, … Read more
5 Relationship Red Flags
As we continue adjusting to new ways of spending time together at work, at home, and at play, our relationships can take a toll. The struggle to balance the demands of an ongoing pandemic and our need for contact has … Read more
Holding on and letting go
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on” – Havelock Ellis
This quote struck a chord within me recently which led me to process the concept of impermanence – the idea that … Read more
FAQ’s about Systemic Therapy with couples|Part 2
In part 1 of this blog, we tackled three frequently asked questions related to Systemic Therapy with couples:
- What is Systemic Therapy?
- Should we come to therapy together?
- Is this my fault? Is this my partner’s fault?
In part 2 … Read more
FAQ’s about Systemic Therapy with couples |Part 1
Sometimes couples feel stuck in difficult and potentially very painful situations. These can vary from a couple who is distressed because of repeated arguing, or struggling to move forward from difficult situations that happened in the couple’s past, or losing … Read more
Understanding why women are choosing not to marry
When it comes to relationships, everyone has different expectations. Previously, it was common for people to go down the traditional route of meeting someone, getting married and having a family with them. However, in this day and age, we are … Read more
The 5 Love Languages and how they can affect your relationship
First of all, you might be thinking ‘what is a love language?’ The 5 love languages date back to Dr.Gary Chapman in 1992, who proposed five different relational styles commonly known as: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving … Read more
What happens in Couples’ Therapy? A Gestalt Therapy Perspective.
Couples tend to consider therapy together after being repeatedly faced with the same issues which are proving to be extremely challenging to resolve, or feel as though they ran out of options, so they seek out the therapist to present … Read more
Have our young ones been groomed enmasse?
I am very aware of the weight of such a title and am not quite sure myself about the word grooming there. What is grooming? Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or … Read more
Vita di coppia a distanza: difficoltà e risorse personali
A quanti di voi è capitato di vivere almeno una volta nella vita una relazione di coppia a distanza, per un breve o lungo periodo? Nell’epoca moderna, si tratta di un fenomeno sempre più diffuso. Ad esempio, secondo le statistiche … Read more