Willingness | The challenges of OCD in relationships?

The challenges of OCD in relationships?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a very common kind of disorder that affects thoughts and urges the person to do things like checking if the door is closed 10 times, before actually leaving the house or washing hands for fear … Read more

Willingness | How to Deal with a Miscarriage

How to Deal with a Miscarriage

Miscarriages are very common. Although everyone will have a different emotional  reaction to it, it is usually accompanied by intense grief and anyone who experiences it  would need care and support. Most of the time, early losses are also very … Read more

Willingness | The Intimate Partner Violence Has on Victims

The Intimate Partner Violence Has on Victims

There can be a wide variety of terms used to refer to domestic violence such as ‘spousal abuse’, ‘dating violence’, ‘intrapersonal abuse’, ‘wife beating’, ‘intimate terrorism’ and ‘intimate partner violence’. 

During this blog, the term intimate partner violence will be … Read more

Willingness | Relationship Green Flags: What are They?

Relationship Green Flags: What are They?

We constantly hear about red flags in relationships, like when there is a lack of trust, co-dependency, or other unhealthy behaviours. But what about green flags? It is just as important to note that there can be green flags in … Read more

Willingness | Why am I such a people pleaser?

Why am I such a people pleaser?

People pleasing is the act of putting someone else’s needs above your own, which  comes from the need to constantly please or appease others. This happens even at the  expense of your own needs, values, beliefs and wants, which would … Read more

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