When one talks about fitness, it is often the case that people envision pumping iron in a gym. While this may be partly true for some, it is often not true for many. In this blog, we will learn the first steps to move away from the traditional view of fitness. 

Physical health 

While some things are important and unchanging such as the importance of staying hydrated. For example, holistic wellness is also making that appointment with a physician that you have been putting off; this includes sexual health wellness. Other methods of wellness need to fit your needs and your goals. They are often dependent on what you enjoy doing and what your health (mental or physical) concerns are. 

While for some this could mean doing yoga or going to the gym, for others it could be a short walk or a home workout. It could be sticking to the goal of moving more during your daily routine. The importance is to always be consistent.

Research has shown that even if you spend some hours working out a week but lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle, this can be harmful. Constantly sitting down weakens muscles and hence distorts posture. It is also linked to obesity and other health issues. There are ways that one can incorporate moving more during their day, whether it is standing up, stretching, and walking about during your day at work or parking a bit further down and taking the stairs. Some research shows that walking an average of 10,000 steps per day can set you on the right track and has numerous advantages even on psychological well-being.

Relationship with food

This point is also very important, while it is ok to enjoy particularly greasy or sweet foods once in a while. If your diet is centred around this kind of food it can become problematic. Certain foods are linked to inflammation and despite moving about this inflammation is the lead cause of many health issues including diabetes, heart disease and has been found to worsen mental health issues. Food is ultimately fuel and while one cannot deny its pleasures, it needs to be seen as a way of nourishing our bodies.

Mental Health

The best-proven way that one can develop better focus and cut off from the chaos that surrounds us is meditation, mindfulness and breathwork. Being mindful of our surroundings can help us feel more present and help with overthinking and low moods. 

Self-reflection and psychotherapy can also help in figuring out needs and achieving particular goals and setting healthy boundaries.

Taking care of your wellbeing takes a good amount of energy and might even seem impossible to some. While this could be daunting, doing something small each day to improve all the aspects of wellbeing and taking good care of yourself put you on the right rack, it all boils down to consistency and discipline. 

If you need some encouragement, here’s a thought: Self-care is better than aftercare!

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

Jessica Saliba Thorne is a Gestalt psychotherapist. She has experience within the mental health field and sees adults with mental health difficulties, relationship issues and trauma at Willingness.

Daneshmandi, H., Choobineh, A., Ghaem, H., & Karimi, M. (2017). Adverse Effects of Prolonged Sitting Behavior on the General Health of Office Workers. Journal of lifestyle medicine, 7(2), 69–75.

Hess, J. M., Stephensen, C. B., Kratz, M., & Bolling, B. W. (2021). Exploring the Links between Diet and Inflammation: Dairy Foods as Case Studies. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 12(Suppl 1), 1S–13S.

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Yuenyongchaiwat K. (2016). Effects of 10,000 steps a day on physical and mental health in overweight participants in a community setting: a preliminary study. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 20(4), 367–373.