Human experience tells us that spending time in and around water restores us and uplifts our mood. Moreover, the water has an energy and pull that draws people close. Proximity to the sea is associated with many positive measures of physical and mental well-being and water is also considered by some to be the elixir and source of life. For instance, just the sight and sound of water induce a flood of neurochemicals that promote wellness, increase blood flow to the brain and heart, and induce relaxation. The following are all benefits linked to sea swimming:

  • Less brain fog

The intensely cold water can be exhilarating. After a working week, it can help you feel refreshed and like new. Moreover, it can leave your mind and body glowing afterwards and this sensation could stay with you and keeps you in a good mood for days. 

  • Improved sleep

Sleep is very important for a person’s mental health and sea swimming undoubtedly helps this. Sea air or a short swim tire a person out, their legs feel heavy, and their muscles relaxed. Consequently, they might sleep better as their brain wouldn’t be over-active.

  • Healthier skin

Seawater acts like a natural cosmetic for our skin as it is rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, sodium, calcium, chloride, and sulphate. This can be especially beneficial for people suffering from psoriasis and eczema. The magnesium in seawater also has numerous benefits as it lowers cortisol levels in the body, calms the nervous system, and reduces the likelihood of stress-induced skin breakouts. 

  • Reconnection with nature

Time spent in water has a soothing and calming effect. Listening to the sound of the waves or feeling their gentle movement can be very relaxing. Considering our frenetic lives, this reconnection with nature is invaluable.

  • Improved immune system

Regular dips in cold water help regulate your antioxidant processes in the body, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Certain elements and micro-organisms found in seawater can also act as natural antibiotics as they have anti-bacterial properties. 

  • Cold water therapy

Cold water has numerous benefits including the provision of mental strength, the reduction of muscle pain as it reduces inflammation and speeds up muscle recovery, and the increase in blood flow and circulation.

  • Weight management

Research shows that cold water activates brown fat, one of the two types of fat in our body. Brown fat not only keeps us warm, but it also raises body temperature, quickly burns through calories, and helps shed excess weight. 

  • Respiratory issues

Given that sea water is salty, it provides relief for those who suffer from respiratory issues, such as sinus, as it opens up the area with an all-natural saline solution. This helps the cilia to move mucus, clearing sinuses. 

  • Improved mental health

Sea swimming helps people with chronic joint pain and arthritis and reduces anxiety and depression. According to research, water therapy helps increase the production of the ‘feel good’ molecules and, consequently, people make less visits to mental health professionals. Moreover, the deep cold water that you immerse yourself in shocks your body and makes you think about only what you are doing in that moment. This makes it the ultimate form of mindfulness and almost like a calming meditation.

On a final note, if you feel inspired to give it a go, make sure you stay safe in the sea and look into how to swim safely in the sea before doing so.

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.
Johanna Cutajar is a Master in Counselling graduate from the University of Malta. She works with children and adolescents as a counsellor within the education sector on a variety of issues including relationship issues, trauma, bereavement, transitions, and general mental health.


6 Benefits of Sea Swimming (2020). Retrieved from