In the first part of this blog I discussed two struggles that adoptive parents could experience as a result of the stressors experienced throughout the process of adoption. I explored the subject of post-adoption depression, as well as difficulties with adjusting to the changes in identities. In this blog, I wished to focus more on a few ideas of strategies that are there to potentially support families with adjusting to parenting an adopted child.

  • Establishing family traditions and routines

I have written other blogs in the past, about the benefits of establishing family traditions and routines. In the context of adoption, developing routines such as a bedtime reading routine, or family play time routines, could support with offering stability and comfort to the child as well as the rest of the family.

  • Creating a family story

Through documenting the story of the family, the different members of the family can experience a greater sense of belongingness. The adoptive parent/parents can start by writing their own story, including information about their background up to their decision to adopt a child. Each member that joins the family can add their story to the family story. The family can use creative methods to form this story, for instance one might opt to make videos, write journals or use photos.

  • Preparing what to say to others about adoption

It might be useful for adoptive parents to think about what they would like to share, and how much they would like to share about their child’s stories with others who may ask about it. Informing and educating relatives and friends about the process of adoption, can support adoptive parents with strengthening their identity as adoptive parents, and can also support a feeling of empowerment.

Rebecca Cassar is a Family Therapist practicing the Systemic Approach. She specializes in offering therapy to families, couples and individuals who are experiencing distress in their relationships. She can be contacted on or call us on 79291817.