Willingness | Communicating with Older Adults in a Healthcare Setting

Communicating with Older Adults in a Healthcare Setting

As the new generation of healthcare professionals continues to grow, so are the ways in which we communicate. Communication strategies change, grow and evolve depending on several different variables, such as culture, training, and even language barriers. 

Communication is tricky

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Willingness | 3 Relationship Killers

3 Relationship Killers

Relationships are part of our lives. Indeed, we are social beings and part of our fulfillment in life revolves around building meaningful relationships. Although we often hold on to relationships that are supportive, we can all experience moments where we … Read more

Willingness | Why Should We Eat Together as a Family?

Why Should We Eat Together as a Family?

Family life can be very hectic at times, with everyone’s targets and commitments dictating the family’s priorities. One of the few times during the day when a family may come together is during breakfast or dinner. This also may depend … Read more

Willingness | 7 life skills every adult should know

7 life skills every adult should know

NICEF, UNESCO and WHO came up with ten life skills which are considered to be core strategies and techniques that every adult should attain. In this blog I will group these skills into 7, and are listed and explored into … Read more

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